Can find machines in XBrowser, but no response [1]

Can find machines in XBrowser, but no response [1]

Can find machines in XBrowser, but no response

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 10:31 AM - comdicap

I have used XManager over two years without any particular problem. Just last week it stopped working. I use XManager to access both linux and unix machines. I see XDMCP enabled machine on XBrowser, but when I double click each icon, after a brief pause it give me a popup "XDMCP connection failed, try again?"

I can't think much why it suddenly stopped working. I applied recent RPC patch from MS. I thought that may have caused disconnection, but after uninstall of the patch, it still is not working.

How do I track this problem? Are there any tools to track packet route or anything similar?

Thanks in advance...

Re: Can find machines in XBrowser, but no response

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 10:53 AM - Soon

Please check the firewall settings in your Windows machine. Xmanager listens TCP 6000 ~ 6010 ports and it shouldn't be blocked by the firewall configuration.


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