xmms window black ot smashed? [2]

xmms window black ot smashed?

Saturday, September 6, 2003 11:54 PM - drJeckyll


when I start xmms to XManager xmms window apear but it is black when Default Visual is set to: True Color ... if I set it to Auto Detect window is show like total smash of colors ... everything else like Mozilla, xine, MPlayer & etc is shown corectly ... any idea ??
I try X-Win32 and xmms look fine there ...

Re: xmms window black ot smashed?

Monday, September 8, 2003 6:18 PM - Support

We are planning to fix the xmms problem in the next version. Meanwhile, you can use xmms as following:
  1. Right-click on the xmms window. A menu appears.
  2. Point to Options.
  3. Click DoubleSize.
After configuring the xmms window, you can click DoubleSize again to restore the size.


Re: Re: xmms window black ot smashed?

Monday, September 8, 2003 10:53 PM - drJeckyll

I can live without xmms for now ;'))
it was just a interesting case for me ...
10x ;')

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