Xmanager instable using HP font server [1]

Xmanager instable using HP font server [1]

Xmanager instable using HP font server

Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:45 PM - Hans Bouma

Hi support,

When setting up Xmanager to use a font server (running on a HP machine), Xmanager tends to crash every now and then.

There 's no entry whatsoever in the log file about xmanager exiting; I believe the only thing I get is a popup from windows xp telling me Xmanager did something it shouldn't...


Re: Xmanager instable using HP font server

Saturday, December 13, 2003 1:04 AM - Support

Sorry for the trouble.

Please try to install the required fonts into your Windows machine instead of using the font server. You can download HP font pack at:


If you need additional fonts, please let us know the language of your HP machine.

Hope to solve your problem.

Technical Support

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