Can't find /proc/cpuinfo
Can't find /proc/cpuinfo
Can't find /proc/cpuinfo
Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:41 AM - Skywater
When I try to power on a recent configuation there's a message box : Can't find /proc/cpuinfo
There 's no where in my directory a file or a directory with that name. How did it was removed ?
I have another problem : with 4,3G aviable on my disk, il's impossible to make a win98 or better configuration :-/
I'm going mad, so If someone has the answer it would be cool ^_^
Thank you
When I try to power on a recent configuation there's a message box : Can't find /proc/cpuinfo
There 's no where in my directory a file or a directory with that name. How did it was removed ?
I have another problem : with 4,3G aviable on my disk, il's impossible to make a win98 or better configuration :-/
I'm going mad, so If someone has the answer it would be cool ^_^
Thank you
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