XKEYBOARD extension in Xmanager available? [1]

XKEYBOARD extension in Xmanager available? [1]

XKEYBOARD extension in Xmanager available?

Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:36 PM - Michael Altmann

On starting a virtual machine inside vmware (www.vmware.com)
it brings up a message box:

"Your X server does not support the XKEYBOARD extension."

Is there a way to switch this feature on in Xmanager?
The documentation seems not to address that issue.

Re: XKEYBOARD extension in Xmanager available?

Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:43 PM - Support

Unfortunately XKEYBOARD extension is not available currently.
It will be included in future version.

If you do not use an X application that requires the extension, you can just ignore the messages.

Technical Support

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