XManager 1.3.9 Can't open display [2]

XManager 1.3.9 Can't open display [2]

XManager 1.3.9 Can't open display

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:07 AM - Jonathan Dickson


xstart is unable to launch an xterm from any of my Solaris servers back to my PC desktop.

xstart connects and logs in to Solaris server fine, issues the /usr/openwin/bin/xterm -display $DISPLAY command fine, but just times out with a "can't open display "

My desktop PC and the Solaris servers all reside on the same subnet. Other's can establish xsessions OK; could this be something with my local X server installation?

Re: XManager 1.3.9 Can't open display

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 11:04 AM - Support

First of all, you need to check if your PC has a firewall setting enabled. If the problem persists, let us know about:

- Connection protocol in Xstart (TELNET or SSH)
- Messages displayed in the Remote execution result window
- C:Program FilesXmanager1.3.9Xmanager.log

Technical Support

Re: Re: XManager 1.3.9 Can't open display

Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:18 AM

1. Protocol is TELNET

2. There is no firewall on my PC nor between my PC and the Solaris server.

3. My xstart session connects to the Solaris server fine. Logs in and issues the xterm request. The request just hangs and times out with "Xt: Can't Open Display"

Attached is the XManager.log file. Thanks.

Attachment Xmanager.log ()  

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