Display sent to the wrong host [1]

Display sent to the wrong host [1]

Display sent to the wrong host

Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:12 PM - atheabult


When I try to connect to the X server with Xmanager, I don't have any display on the main window, but everything appear on someone else host (an other X terminal).
I already checked the ip and the 2 terminals had different one.

Please help.


Re: Display sent to the wrong host

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 12:07 AM - Support

The problem is due to that one of your shell scripts (.login, .cshrc, .profile, and so on) forces the DISPLAY variable to an invalid one.

To fix the problem, check your shell scripts and comment out the line that defins DISPLAY environment variable such as:

export DISPLAY=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:0


setenv DISPLAY xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:0

Hope to solve the problem.

Technical Support

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