Error: Can't open display by alberto [3]

Error: Can't open display by alberto [3]

Error: Can't open display

Saturday, January 19, 2002 5:11 AM - alberto

I am running xmanger on win2k and everytime i try to connect via rexec protocol, i get the following error message:" Error:Can't open display:"
What should I do, to get this to work?

Re: Error: Can't open display

Saturday, January 19, 2002 2:16 PM - Support

Please give us more information to solve your problem:

- The IP address of your PC
- The IP address of the Unix server
- Network connection type (ADSL, LAN, VPN, or other helpful info.)
- Error messages displayed by message dialog box
- Ping test result (from Unix to PC, not from PC to Unix)

Looking forward to your reply.

- Technical Support

Re: Re: Error: Can't open display

Tuesday, April 2, 2002 4:41 PM

Hi, I have the same problem. Using the browser utility, I am able
to connect to remote SUN host. All is fine. But when attempting to open X-windows application from shell, it says that he cannot open the display. I tried to ping to my pc and it responded that the PC is alive. If I open the application from a window, it does run.

Re: Re: Re: Error: Can't open display

Tuesday, April 2, 2002 8:17 PM - Support

Please confirm that the DISPLAY variable is configured correctly by running the following command after login via Xbrowser:

# echo $DISPLAY

Here, "myip" should be the IP address of your PC and the ":1" should be equal to the number displayed on the Xmanager titlebar.

If the DISPLAY variable is incorrect, it is redefined somewhere in your shell script(.cshrc, .profile, .login or others).

For further assistance, please let us know the exact command you entered to launch the X application.

Technical Support

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