Inconvenience with unavailable font server [1]

Inconvenience with unavailable font server [1]

Inconvenience with unavailable font server

Friday, March 15, 2002 6:07 AM - ntai

I added a font server in Xconfig.
When the server is not available (such as simply not running), I can not start Xmanager. After a
I have to go into Xconfig to get rid of the entry.
This is quite incovenient in real world situation where multiple font servers may or may not be available in given time.
Is there any way to just fall back and not use the server when it is not running?
Or, is there such a setting I do not know?

Re: Inconvenience with unavailable font server

Saturday, March 16, 2002 1:34 AM - Support

Unfortunately, Xmanager doesn't remove unavailable font servers automatically. We will try to fix this problem in our future version.

Thanks for your great feedback.

Technical Support

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