expected telnet prompts [1]

expected telnet prompts [1]

expected telnet prompts

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 6:47 PM - Robert Kloosterman


I'm trying to start a telnet session on a remote computer running the Lynx OS. Unfortunately the telnet daemon sends a login prompt "user name:" and not the expected "login:". Is the a possibility to change the expected prompts for user and password.

(Exceed has this possibility!)

Thanks for you Help

Re: expected telnet prompts

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:33 AM - Support

Unfortunately, Xmanager supports "username:" or "login:" as a user prompt. We will fix this problem soon in the next version. Until that time, we recommend you to use SSH protocol instead of Telnet if your Lynx has an SSH server.

Technical Support

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