XDM connect failed [1]

XDM connect failed [1]

XDM connect failed

Friday, July 5, 2002 7:46 PM - Liu, Yang

I cant use XDM to connect to a solaris 2.7 machine with Xmanager 1.3.9 in my laptop, but i can connect to others.

And I can connect to the machine machine on other PC to see the login dialog.

I guess there are some problem with my laptop. Can you tell me why? Thanks

Re: XDM connect failed

Monday, July 8, 2002 1:24 PM - Support

If other PCs can connect to the Solaris 2.7, you need to check if your IP address is registered in the name server or not. You can read /var/dt/Xerrors file for more information on the failure.

For more help on the CDE connection, please read FAQ #1 at:


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