turkish 102 key [1]

turkish 102 key [1]

turkish 102 key

Friday, September 13, 2002 12:19 AM - Levent Aksu

Hi there,
I am currently evaluating Xmanager. I use a 102-key Turkish keyboard. There are a number of errors and missing definitions in the supplied Turkish keyboard. I modified and corrected all key mappings except one. The supplied layout is for the 101-key keyboards but the Turkish keyboard is in fact a 102-key keyboard. As a result the scan code 0x56 is not processed. Therefore I cannot define the key mapping for it "<", ">", "|" and cannot type them as well. One solution could be modifying an already 102 key xkb file from the scratch. Or maybe you guys can provide me a hint to convert the 101-key keyboard file to a 102-key keyboard file.
Good product, we probably will buy it.
Levent Aksu

Re: turkish 102 key

Friday, September 13, 2002 3:11 PM - Support

Please see the attached file for Turkish 102-key keyboard files. There are two types of Turkish keyboard map.

1. Turkish F
2. Turkish Q (QERTY)

These are based on the Windows international keyboard layout.

We would appreciate your feedback.

Technical Support
Attachment Turkish.zip ()  

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