Hot key not working [1]

Hot key not working

Tuesday, July 30, 2002 6:55 PM - Tarun Banerjee

The hot keys(e.g., Alt+F for activating file option of menu) of a java based application is not working if it is running from a client using XManager. These hot keys are working when it is running from server console of Sun Solaris.

Re: Hot key not working

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 6:35 PM - Support

We've tried Notepad, a java-based application on Solaris 8. It didn't support Alt+F hot-key both on console and Xmanager. Other applications such as dtterm works well with the hot-key in Xmanager.

Please let us know the following information for further research:

- The name of Java application you are using.
- Whether the dtterm also has the same problem with Xmanager.

Technical Support

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