DrayTek Vigor2200USB router [1]

DrayTek Vigor2200USB router [1]

DrayTek Vigor2200USB router

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:58 PM - Vlad

Hi there,

I have two computers networked together, and I use Draytek Vigor2200USB to connect to the Internet. When I attempt to run Xmanager, I get an error message saying that a display couldn't be opened. I know that I need to forward a port to one of the PCs in order to solve this problem (thanks to this forum), but I would greatly appreciate some more detailed instructions on how to do this since my knowledge of networks is rather limited.

Thanks a lot,

Re: DrayTek Vigor2200USB router

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 10:16 PM - Kay

I don't know how to configure a port forwarding rule for Draytek Vigor2200USB. Port forwarding configuration is different depending on the router. However, there is a basic configuration rule is in FAQ #4.

To avoid the hassle, I recommend you to use an SSH connection which doesn't require a port forwarding inside a firewall environment. This requires an ssh server is installed in the Unix server. For more information on the ssh server, please visit at:


I hope this can help you.


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