XDMCP connection failed! [2]

XDMCP connection failed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:09 AM - David

hi, all:
Recently, I ordered compaq True64 unix to run my programes while edit source code through Xmanager in WIN2000 host. To my surprise, one of two unix host can't be connected by my Xmanager outputing "XDMCP connection failed, try again?". At the same time, the
other is connected successfully. I checked "/var/dt/Xerrors" file which revealed the error information like this "Cannot convert Internet address to host name". is my win2000 host ip address.

who can tell me why this unix host can not be connected successfully?

Re: XDMCP connection failed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:27 AM - david

when I add my WIN2000 host name into /etc/hosts file, the error information is
Tue Jul 16 10:22:58 2002
error (pid 13012): Hung in XOpenDisplay(david:1) attempt #0, aborting.
Tue Jul 16 10:22:58 2002
error (pid 13012): Server open attempt #0 failed for david:1, giving up

And the Xmanager.log file:

Xmanager Version Build 3
Copyright (c) 1997-2002 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
All rights reserved.

UTC Date: Tue Jul 16 02:21:45 2002
Local Date: Tue Jul 16 10:21:45 2002

X Server Directory: "E:Program FilesXmanager1.3.9"
Log File Path: "E:Program FilesXmanager1.3.9Xmanager.log"
Server Generation 1
XDMCP UDP Port: 177
Product Serial #: evaluation
WinSock Version 1.1
Highest Version 2.2
Description: WinSock 2.0
System Status: Running
Max Sockets: 32767
Max UDP Datagram: 65467
Local Hostname: 'David'
Local Host IP Address:
Xdmcp Init State: 0
Xdmcp Query Address:
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768
Size of Palette: 0
Number of Reserved Colors: 0
Resolution of Color: 24
Depth of Screen: 32
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 4
Frame Height: 4
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1024
Maximum Client Area Height:721
Width of Display(mm): 320
Height of Display(mm): 240
Dots Per Inch X: 96
Dots Per Inch Y: 96
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Caption Height: 19
DBCS Enabled: 1
GDI batch limit: 20
Mouse buttons: 2
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 0
Monitors: 1
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen (x, y): (0, 0)
Virtual screen w x h: 1024 x 768
Screen 0: 1024 x 749
Keyboard file: US 101 keyboard
Keyboard type: 0
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 101, 8, 109, 4, 0
Number of keycodes: 102
Number of KeySyms: 408
Bytes of KeySyms: 1632
=== OS Version Information ===
Platform id : 2
Major Version : 5
Minor Version : 0
Build Number : 2195
Description : ""
Country Code : 86
Country String: 中华人民共和国
Xdmcp Request Address:
Xdmcp Connection Address 0:
Xdmcp: sent a REQUEST message
Xdmcp: received an ACCEPT message
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Connection has been established. Going to run session...
Xdmcp KeepAliveTime: 0 seconds
Xdmcp: Control client is closed and the entire session is closed.
All clients are closed down. Going to server reset...
Terminate at server reset is active.
X server was terminated normally.

Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:10 PM - Support

The Xmanager.log file has no errors in it. Please reload the file after you connect to the Unix that has a connection problem.

If the problem Unix is located in a different subnet, a connection can't be established.

Technical Support

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