root windows drawing under windows wm [5]

root windows drawing under windows wm [5]

root windows drawing under windows wm

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 11:28 AM - Tom

I am trying to figure out how to utilize the root window in a maner similar to my provious X-server application.

I was previously able to allow root window drawing that would overwrite the MS windows background, but the x-window root window would not obscure the MS windows incons etc. I can't seem to do this, either the X-windows root window is visible over the top of all MS windows or it is not visible.

Also, while the X-root window was visible "in the background od MS windows", I could configer the X-server to allow mouse background funtions to be allocated to X or to MS Windows, (Not dynamically configured, only done before X-Server initialization).

Is there a way to perform both these functions within Xmanager?

Re: root windows drawing under windows wm

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 6:01 PM - Support

To use X background feature, you need to run 'Xmanager' program (not Xbrowser) with Mutiple Window Mode. In the Xconfig utility, you can choose one of three options for background policy (MS Background, X background and Transparent).

Technical Support

Re: Re: root windows drawing under windows wm

Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:51 PM - Tom

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately you told me what I already understand. The problem I am having is that when I select anything other than X background I can't see any X background, just the MS background. When I select X-Background,I do not get the X-window background until I start a session manager, and then the root window is initialized over the top of MS windows, not just in front of MS windows background, so that I loose all visibility to MS windows except to the task bar. I want to know how to enable root window drawing on top of the MS windows background, but behind the MS desktop.

Hopefully this is possible, it is a function I used to use with Hummingbird Exceed. With Exceed you could enable root window drawing without have to start a session manager as well as set the mouse background clicks to be captured either by MS Windows or X-Windows depending on the configuration settings.


Re: Re: Re: root windows drawing under windows wm

Thursday, April 25, 2002 11:35 PM - Support

> I want to know how to enable root window drawing on top of the MS windows background, but behind the MS desktop.

I'm sure that this is possible or not. We'll post our opinion again after testing it more seriously.

A screenshot that you want to get will be very helpful for us.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: root windows drawing under windows wm

Friday, April 26, 2002 1:42 PM - Tom

As requested, attached is a screen shot taken from an Exceed session. I reloaded Exceed and simply started an x-terminal (gnome-terminal) window from a simple rexec request. I left the base system configured to use the native MS Windows window manager, but the function being described works either way. Using the Exceed configuration tool similar to yours, I configured the advanced option to allow root window drawing and applied the setting. I re-displayed the configuration option after applying to allow you to see the function being used. Then from the x-terminal I started the application xearth, which displays a solar clock on the root window. I could have selected any root window function, like setting the background to some visual etc. Notice that no session manager is required and that the root window is behind the MS Windows desktop but on-top of the MS windows background. This is the capability I would like to see in Xmanager.

I am very happy with Xmanager, I would just like to see a few enhancements. Also as an extra note, comparing Exceed to Xmanager, there is a very noticable speed difference, Xmanager is very usefull, however if you have any ideas for implementing a performance improvement, it would be greatly appreciated.

Attachment x-background.jpg ()  

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: root windows drawing under windows wm

Monday, April 29, 2002 10:52 PM - Support

The X background behind the Windows icons is just a desktop wallpaper installed by Exceed. Xmanager doesn't provide this feature at this time, but we will consider to support it in the future version.

For perfomance issue, Xmanager shows good performance for overall. Some drawings are faster than other products. Also it may be dependent on what X applications you are using. Surely, we will try to improve performance for every X applications.

Thanks for your effort.

Technical Support

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