Multiple "Display Change Message" dialog boxes [1]

Multiple "Display Change Message" dialog boxes

Sunday, June 2, 2002 4:26 PM - Tom

When the Xconfig Option "Display Change Message" is selected and the display parameters are changed, a Display Change dialog box is displayed, as expected. However, 1) window updates freeze until the dialog box is acknowledged with a restart or cancel. Is this the anticipated response, (my preference would not be to have active X-windows freeze. 2) If the application that performs the configuration change multiple times and the Configuration Change dialog box is not acknowledged after each cycle, you get multiple dialog boxes, and each box MUST be acknowledged in the reverse order they appeared. This is a real nusance, it would be preferable to have only a single dialog box persist rather than have multiple boxes. I can work around the issue by unselecting the Display Change option, but I think this should be fixed in a future release.


Re: Multiple "Display Change Message" dialog boxes

Monday, June 3, 2002 3:20 PM - Support

Thank you for your feedback.

This problem will be fixed soon in the next version.

Technical Support

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