XDMCP: Connection Failed - [2]

XDMCP: Connection Failed - [2]

XDMCP: Connection Failed -

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:56 AM - Dave B

Okay.. here's my question..

I am trying to access my Linux box, which is behind a DLink Router.

I have all the ports open that I can open.. I can connect using telnet/ssh using the xstart program. However I can not open the XManager program at all.. it gives me the Connection failed dialog.. I don't see much.. I see this in the log:
Xdmcp Request Address:
Xdmcp Connection Address 0:
Xdmcp: sent a REQUEST message
Xdmcp: received an ACCEPT message
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 0
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 1
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 2
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 3

Linux Host IP:
External IP:

Connecting IP?! Unknown Corporate firewall, hostname is loki.xxx.com

But nothing else.. any help would be good...

Re: XDMCP: Connection Failed -

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:42 PM - Support

Your environment:
- Linux Host IP:
- DLink router:
- Your PC:

In this case you should allocate a UDP port in the router and forward it to the UDP 177 of Linux. For example:

(router IP, port) (Linux IP, port)
(, UDP 10000) ==> (, UDP 177)

Then, do the following steps:
1. Open Xconfig in Xmanager folder.
2. Choose XDMCP tab.
3. In the XDMCP Query host box, enter
4. In the XDMCP port box, enter 10000.

If the problem persists, please provide us with the full Xmanager.log messages without deleting any lines.

Technical Support

Re: Re: XDMCP: Connection Failed -

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 11:08 PM - Dave B

Okay.. That didn't work.. howerver my machine does show up in the XBrowser, just won't connect.. I couldn't do 10000 > 177 so I used public port 177 and private port 177..

I guess it's not a big deal.. I can do it locally just not remotely..

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