XDMCP connection problem in linux [1]

XDMCP connection problem in linux [1]

XDMCP connection problem in linux

Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:13 AM - Guru

I have changed the configuration as given in the link:

Still I am getting "XDMCP connection failed" error. Actually, I have checked the UDP packets at the linux machine.. Its sending ICMP destination unreachable packet to the source. I guess, theres something that needs to be configured for opening port 177 for XDMCP connections.
Does anyone know whats the problem?


Re: XDMCP connection problem in linux

Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:18 AM - Support

You need to check the firewall settings of your Linux as explained at:


If this doesn't help you, let us know more information about your systems:

- Linux vendor and version
- Xmanager version
- Detailed Network configuration

Technical Support

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