Help!! gnome-terminal eats system memory [1]

Help!! gnome-terminal eats system memory [1]

Help!! gnome-terminal eats system memory

Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:06 PM - thermo


During connection by XDM on Redhat8,I see that the system memory used by gnome-terminal increases everytime I do something with it.
First launched it's a bout 10MB. It increases when I type in something or grap and move the terminal window. After few minutes,it becomes over 100MB.I observed it by 'top' command.

Of course, this does not happen on the console of the machine.

Re: Help!! gnome-terminal eats system memory

Friday, April 23, 2004 3:36 PM - David

The problem is also reported in the redhat site and you can read the article for a solution:


Many users has fixed the problem by upgrading Xft RPM package.


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