X app running on a win desktop [1]

X app running on a win desktop [1]

X app running on a win desktop

Friday, April 9, 2004 2:20 PM - Michael

I'm planning on writing an application where the WinXP user clicks an icon which would run an X client on their linux server while keeping the Windows desktop intact (i.e., not exposing the user to the Gnome environment). Any ideas on the best way to configure Xmanager to do this.

Thanks very much.


Re: X app running on a win desktop

Friday, April 9, 2004 5:34 PM - Jacky Han

Xmanager provides users to create a shortcut to run a desired X session. Simply create a session using Xstart and click on Shortcut¿ Then, choose the location for the shortcut where all Windows users can view. An example location can be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\.


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