xterm connection aborted [2]

xterm connection aborted [2]

xterm connection aborted

Friday, June 21, 2002 5:57 AM - YC Cheung

After an xterm session, running in Window 2000, is left idle for more than 2 hours, connection to the server is lost with the followingerror message in a Window dialog box: |---------------------------------------| | Xssh Error | |---------------------------------------| | Software caused connection abort. | |---------------------------------------| | OK | |---------------------------------------|

Re: xterm connection aborted

Friday, June 21, 2002 5:53 PM - Support

You need to check the "Keep Alive" option in Xstart->Advanced->Options. In a firewall environment, ssh server might close idle connections.

If the problem persists, you can try our SSH client software to run an xterm. For more information on the SSH client, please visit at:


Also, version information of the ssh server would be helpful for more research.

Technical Support

Re: Re: xterm connection aborted

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:11 PM - Michael Altmann

After upgrading Xmanager 1.3.9 to the latest
version, I've got the same problem when connecting
to a Debian/Woody Linux Box. "KeepAlive" in the
sshd_config defaults to "Yes" on those systems
and Xmanager's default value of 300 seems to be
too long.

Shortening this interval to 30 seconds solves the

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