Mr. by Tieming [3]

Mr. by Tieming [3]


Thursday, December 20, 2001 12:20 PM - Tieming ruan

I am using a evlauation version of xmanager on my windows2000 standard server. Now when I want to use Abaqus, it give me the following problem:Xlib: Extension "GLX" missing on display "***:0.0" *** is my pc's name.Any idea? Thanks advance!Tieming

Re: Abacus problem

Thursday, December 20, 2001 2:50 PM - Support

Unfortunately Xmanager doesn't support a GLX extension required for the Abacus application. GLX extension is used for 3D redering.

- Technical Support

Re: Re: Abacus problem

Monday, April 12, 2004 9:42 AM - Ilyas Yildirim

So, aren't there any solution for this problem? Does the beta version of X Manager 2 solve this problem?

Re: Re: Re: Abacus problem

Monday, April 12, 2004 9:53 AM - Support

Unfortunately Xmanager 2.0 doesn't support GLX.
We are planning to support it in the next version (v3.0).

Technical Support

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