XDMCP connection failed by mohamed [1]
XDMCP connection failed by mohamed [1]
XDMCP connection failed
Friday, September 24, 2004 3:12 AM - mohamed
my Xmanager works well with one unix (HP-ux) host and gives me "XDMCP connection failed" with another (SunOS)
- i have the Xtart xterm
what are the config to make on the unix server (exhaustivly please) for working with Xmanager?
PS: my "uname -s" command gives me "SunOS"!!is it different from Sun Solaris??!!!
my Xmanager works well with one unix (HP-ux) host and gives me "XDMCP connection failed" with another (SunOS)
- i have the Xtart xterm
what are the config to make on the unix server (exhaustivly please) for working with Xmanager?
PS: my "uname -s" command gives me "SunOS"!!is it different from Sun Solaris??!!!
Re: XDMCP connection failed
Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:13 AM - Support
The Sun server is in another network and there may be a firewall between your PC and the server.
Please read FAQ #4 at:
If you can get an xterm program with Xstart, run /usr/dt/bin/Xsession at the prompt of xterm to get a CDE desktop.
Technical Support
Please read FAQ #4 at:
If you can get an xterm program with Xstart, run /usr/dt/bin/Xsession at the prompt of xterm to get a CDE desktop.
Technical Support
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