xdmcp connection failed [5]

xdmcp connection failed [5]

xdmcp connection failed

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:49 PM - mh

I installed xmanager2.0 in winxp and try to connect a rs6000 server with AIX 5.1 . But all I saw is just a blach screen with a mouse prompt, I will not able to see the dtlogin. and the error message begin display is "xdmcp connection failed". Itried the xstart with telnet or rlogin, its work. what is the problems?


Re: xdmcp connection failed

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:08 PM - David

Is the "dtlogin" process running on AIX?
If then, you can get some hints from the /var/dt/Xerrors file.


Re: Re: xdmcp connection failed

Saturday, August 7, 2004 5:29 PM - yangkan

It`s mean ?
warning: Actions not found,Deiconified ,Iconfied,Quit
warning: Actions not found,Deiconified ,Iconfied,Quit

Re: Re: Re: xdmcp connection failed

Monday, August 9, 2004 3:35 PM - David

I doubt that the "dtlogin" process is running on your AIX box. To enable it, run the following commands at the console of AIX:

# dtconfig -e
# dtconfig -reset

Then, try to add the PC IP address to /etc/hosts of AIX. An error in the DNS settings may cause such a problem.


Re: xdmcp connection failed

Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:23 PM - santosh mishra

same problem here.
here mdkkdm is running in linux server.
ssh , telnet is working fine but xdmcp connection failed.

Re: Re: xdmcp connection failed

Friday, October 15, 2004 3:59 PM - Support

Mandrake 9.1 has a problem in using KDM. If it is the case, you should upgrade to Mandrake 9.2.

Otherwise, use GDM instead of MDKKDM.
To configure Mandrake for GDM:

1. Log on to the Linux console.
2. Click the "Click the "start menu->Configuration->Mandrake Control Center-Qt>hardware->display manager chooser" in sequence.
3. Select GDM.

Hope this helps you.

Technical Support

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