Application Is Minimized when launched [3]

Application Is Minimized when launched [3]

Application Is Minimized when launched

Saturday, October 9, 2004 2:08 AM - Charles Dombek

I am running Xmanager 2.0 on WinXP as a means of X-emulation to a Sun server running Arbortext's Epic software. When I launch Epic at a unix command line, it always runs as a minimized window on my desktop. This is the only application that runs minimized when launched out of an xterm. Is there a Windows setting or Xmanager setting I need to put i n place to always launch a program as a non-minimized window?

Re: Application Is Minimized when launched

Saturday, October 9, 2004 4:27 PM - Support

You can minimize a program with the "-iconic" option such as:

# xterm -iconic

Your application may have a similar initial state when launched from the command-line. Please try to read the options your application supports.

If the problem persists, let us know how to get a copy of the program.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Application Is Minimized when launched

Monday, October 11, 2004 11:59 PM - cdombek

What I need to know is how to set Xmanager to force a maximized option. All windows except the Epic Editor window come up normally. The Epic Editor window is launching in a minimized state which is not what we want.

Re: Re: Re: Application Is Minimized when launched

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:58 PM - Support

Unfortunately Xmanager doesn't support a maximized window option.

We will try to add it in the future version.

Thanks for your understanding.

Technical Support

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