Problem to display Poland char set... [3]

Problem to display Poland char set...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:13 PM - touch'atout


I have a problem to display poland char set with my XManager 2.0 (latest build).

My laptop is an elglish set up laptop.

A colleague of mine has a "poland" laptop, and ha has no problem to display poland char set from the UNIX servers (solaris 9).

I wanted to confirm that the setting of the computer (as english for me) could prevent from seeing the char set of an other coutry properly, or if there is a solution for that.

Thanks !

PS: I installed 8559-2 fonts for XManager. My computer is XP.

Re: Problem to display Poland char set...

Thursday, September 16, 2004 4:28 PM - Support

The language setting in your computer (as English or Polish) is not important in displaying Polish characters.

Please confirm that you have selected pl_PL.ISO8859-2 in the login window of Solaris. You can select it by clicking Language button on the login window.

To display Polish characters, you should install iso8859-2.exe font pack.

To enter Polish characters, you should select plpro.xkb or pl214.xkb in the Keyboard Settings dialog box of Xconfig. For more information, please see the Keyboard Settings dialog box section in Xmanager Help.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Problem to display Poland char set...

Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:07 PM - touch'atout


Thanks for the answer, unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem...

I confirm that the pl_PL.ISO8859-2 is chosen in the box for the language at startup of the connection to the server.

Also, all env variables as LC_LANG, LC_MONETARY, LANG... are set to pl_PL.ISO8859-2.

The text file I want to see with Polish char can be seen properly on the machine of a colleague of mine (with XManager 2.0) but not on mine.



Re: Re: Re: Problem to display Poland char set...

Friday, September 17, 2004 3:09 PM - Support

Please try to log in with the user account of your colleague.

If the problem persists, provide us with a part of the text file.

Technical Support

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