Remote running of a lengthy application [3]

Remote running of a lengthy application [3]

Remote running of a lengthy application

Sunday, April 4, 2004 7:58 AM - Hrh


My question is mostly a UNIX question but I hope you can help me out. I have a very lenthy application, I connect using xmanager from home to office and launch the application, but I don't want this to stop once I turn off my PC at home. I want it to be running even after I quit xmanager.
Any idea how to do it?


Re: Remote running of a lengthy application

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:09 AM - zookeyan


How about using VNC?

First you should install VNC server in your UNIX machine(it need not to be root), then run VNC server(maybe it's name is 'vncserver'), last run VNC client(it's name is 'vncviewer') in your xterm window running on Xmanager.

If you don't close VNC server, the applications running on VNC server don't disappear though you quit the VNC Client. If you want to see the previous screen later, you just run VNC client again in Xmanager.

You can find VNC program in Google easily.
Good luck.


Re: Re: Remote running of a lengthy application

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:11 AM - Hrh

Right but our administration does not allow to have VNC server on our unix machines in school, due to security concerns. Any other way?

Thanks for the recommendation.


Re: Re: Re: Remote running of a lengthy application

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 11:43 AM - Zookeyan

VNC server need not to be installed in the same machine where the program you want to use is located.

You may install VNC server at any machine that you can operate and can be reachable each.
VNC client can be located at any machine that can reach to the VNC server, too.

There are many choices to configure the situation. But I don't know any idea about this except using VNC.

Please tell me any other solution if you find it later.


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