Xmanager in broadcast mode gives error [1]

Xmanager in broadcast mode gives error [1]

Xmanager in broadcast mode gives error

Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:11 AM - Akeem Akinsanya

The Xmanager works well on Solaris 8 but could not work on solaris 9 and 10. It gives errorDT Messaging system could not be startedTo correct this problem1. Choose OK to return to the login screen2. Select Failsave session from the login screen option menu and login 3. Check to see hostname is correct in this location/etc/src.sh/etc/hosts/usr/adm/inet.sec4. Check to see any magic cookie related error messaages in these location/var/adm/messages$HOME/.dt/errorlogFor additoinal information see the dt users guide.NOTE:- The machine is running in dhcp enviroment ie it is dhcp clientand attached below is the error

Re: Xmanager in broadcast mode gives error

Sunday, March 21, 2004 12:59 PM - Kevin Baek

I had a similar problem seeing the same error message. After recreating the user account, there was no more problem. Hope this solve your problem as it did to mine.


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