XDMCP connection failed by Jeremy [5]

XDMCP connection failed by Jeremy [5]

XDMCP connection failed

Friday, January 9, 2004 12:08 PM - Jeremy Block

I have installed Xmanager and set up my linksys router to port forward TCP connections across ports 6000-6010 to the computer that is running Xmanager. However I always get the connection failed message. I tried removing my router from the equation and I had no problems connecting to the server when directly connected to my cable modem. Is there something else that needs forwarded through the router? I do not have firewall software running on the PC.


Re: XDMCP connection failed

Friday, January 9, 2004 4:13 PM - Support

You should edit "C:\Program Files\Xmanager1.3.9\Xmanager.ini" as following:


The IP address should be the one of the router (a public IP address).

Hope to solve the problem.

Technical Support

Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed

Friday, January 9, 2004 10:28 PM - Jeremy Block

I have made the requested adjustments to the .ini file, but still no connection. I tried placing it in different areas of the [Startup] section, does it matter what order those appear?

I am attaching my entire ini file in case it is of use.
Attachment Xmanager.ini (1.7 KB)Β Β 

Re: Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed

Saturday, January 10, 2004 2:41 AM - Support

To my understanding, your network looks like this:

  PC ( <---> (192.168.1.xxx) Router ( <---> (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) Unix

In this configuration, you should set the XdmcpConnectionAddress in Xmanager.ini as following:

  [StartUp]  XdmcpConnectionAddress=

And the port fowarding should be like this:

  (Router:port)           (PC:port) ---> ---> --->  ...

Hope to solve the problem.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed

Monday, January 12, 2004 5:08 AM - Jeremy Block

I have made the changes, however the connection still dies everytime.

My [StartUp] section looks like the folowing


I have the router as the XDMCP connection address and I have the ports 6000-6010 open and forwarded to the correct local IP. I checked with a port scanner to make sure that they are open as well.

The server seems fine as I can still remove my router from the equation and connect just fine with the local PC plugged directly into the outside world. And when the router is in the network I have no problem using SSH to connect to the server either.

Do you have any other suggestions or tips?

I am attaching the log file from my failed attempt.
Attachment Xmanager.log (2.5 KB)Β Β 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 1:10 AM - Support

At initial connection steps, Xmanager sends a packet to UDP port 177 (xdm or dtlogin) of the remote Unix machine. According to the Xmanager.log messages, there is no reply from the remote xdm process.

Please check your router for any configuration that preventing outbound UDP connections.

Technical Support

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