Is it possible to have "auto-disconnect" ? [1]

Is it possible to have "auto-disconnect" ? [1]

Is it possible to have "auto-disconnect" ?

Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:32 PM - Amir Deutel

Is it possible to have auto-disconnect after a predefined period of no-activity?

e.g. if the user on a specific client did not do any GUI activity (e.g. mouse move, mouse click, ...) the client session will be closed.


Re: Is it possible to have "auto-disconnect" ?

Monday, May 17, 2004 5:48 PM - Support

Auto-disconnect is not supported at this time and it may cause a lot of problems such as dangling processes on the Unix machine.

In most cases, firewall systems or other network utilities force to disconnect idle sessions.

If you give us more information about your situation, we may suggest a better solution.

- Connection method and protocol (Xstart with SSH or XDMCP)
- What X applications you are using.
- Unix vendor and version.
- Network configuration (LAN, gateway, firwall and so on)

Technical Support

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