Connection Option Settings

Connection Option Settings

The keep alive function is useful when a connection is unexpectedly closed while the connection is idle. In some network environments, the gateway or firewall system forcefully disconnects with systems in situations where data transfer is not made for a set period of time.
The automatic closing function is used to automatically close Xmanager when user input is not detected for a set period of time.
To Retain Connections:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Connection] tab.
  4. Select [Send TCP keepalive packets when network is idle].
  5. Enter a waiting time (seconds) in the idle state in [Timeout].

To Set Automatic Closing:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Connection] tab.
  4. Select [Close session when user is idle].
  5. Enter a waiting time (minutes) in the idle state in [Timeout].
  • Note
    When Xmanager closes due to automatic closing, all X applications may end unexpectedly and work data may be lost.

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