Copy, Save, and Print in X Applications

Copy, Save, and Print in X Applications

Automatically copy character strings between an X application and the Windows Clipboard using Xmanager. Additionally, when using the local window manager, X application images can be copied to the Windows Clipboard, saved as bitmap files, and printed by a printer.

To Set Automatic Copy and Paste:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  4. Select [Copy and Paste Automatically] from the [Settings] list.
  5. Click [OK].

To Copy Character Strings from Xterm to the Windows Notepad:

  1. Select a character string to copy from the xterm window with the left mouse button.
  2. Start Notepad.
  3. Select [Paste] from the [Edit] menu.

To Copy Character Strings from Windows Notepad to Xterm:

  1. Select a character string to copy from Notepad with the left mouse button.
  2. Select [Copy] from the [Edit] menu.
  3. Run xterm.
  4. Click the middle mouse button or left and right buttons simultaneously in the xterm window.

To Copy the X Application Window to Clipboard:

  1. Point to [Copy] in the title bar system menu and select [Window] or [Content]. The Window image is copied to the clipboard.
  • Note
    This function can be used when the local window manager is in operation under Multiple Window Mode.

To Save the X Application Window as a Bitmap File:

  1. Point to [Save] in the title bar system menu and select [Window] or [Content]. The Save As dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter an appropriate file name in [File Name].
  3. Click [OK].
  • Note
    This function can be used when the local window manager is in operation under Multiple Window Mode.

To Print X Application Window:

  1. Point to [Print] in system menu on title bar and click [Window] or [Content]. The Print dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click [Print].
  • Note
    This function can be used when the local window manager is in operation under Multiple Window Mode. 

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