Keyboard Setting

Keyboard Setting

Users can create or edit a keyboard file, designate a shortcut key to change a keyboard file in real-time, and edit the keyboard file using a keyboard editor. Xmanager provides keyboard files created in advance in relation to most languages and keyboards. Users can thus find and use a keyboard appropriate for their application. If an appropriate keyboard file cannot be found, a similar keyboard file can be selected and conveniently edited. If the XKEYBOARD extension is enabled in the 'Advanced Option Settings' of the 'Server Profile', the user-defined keyboard settings will not be applied.

To Add a Keyboard File to Keyboards List:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Devices] tab.
  4. Click [Keyboard Settings]. The Keyboard Settings dialog box is displayed.
  5. Click [Add]. The Add Keyboard dialog box is displayed.
  6. Select a keyboard file.
  7. Click [OK].

To Set a Specific Keyboard as the Default Keyboard:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Devices] tab.
  4. Click [Keyboard Settings]. The Keyboard Settings dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select a keyboard to use as the default keyboard from [Keyboards List].
  6. Click [Set as Default].
  7. Click [OK].

To Change a Keyboard File in Real-time:

  1. Click Ctrl+Alt+K while running Xmanager. The Keyboard Selector dialog box is displayed.
  2. Press 'K' key several times while pressing Ctrl+Alt to select a keyboard.
  3. Release all keys.
  • Note
    Users may view only the keyboard files in the Keyboard Settings dialog box [Keyboards List].

To Edit a Keyboard File:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Devices] tab.
  4. Click [Keyboard Settings]. The Keyboard Settings dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select a keyboard to edit from [Keyboards List].
  6. Click [Edit]. The Keyboard Editor opens.
  7. Double-click a key to edit in the keyboard layout. The Edit Key dialog box is displayed.
  • Note
    In the Edit Key dialog box, change the key status and keysym.
    Repeat continuously generates a same key event when a user presses a key. This function is used in most keys with the exception of auxiliary keys, such as Shift, Alt and Control.
    Latch generates either a KeyPress or KeyRelease event when the key is pressed and then released. The key must be pressed and released twice to generate KeyPress and KeyRelease events. In general, this function is used for CapsLock key or NumLock keys.
    In the [Keysym] field, Normal, Shift, ModeSwitch, and Shift ModeSwitch keysyms are set to a key.
    Normal is used when pressing the key while pressing no other auxiliary keys.
    Shift is used when pressing the key while pressing the Shift key.
    ModeSwitch is used when pressing the key while pressing the ModeSwitch key.
    Shift ModeSwitch is used when pressing the key while simultaneously pressing the Shift and ModeSwitch keys. 

To Create a New Keyboard File:

  1. Open the Keyboard Editor.
  2. Select [New] from the [File] menu. The Select Keyboard Type dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select an appropriate keyboard type and click [OK].
    • Note
      In the Select Keyboard Type dialog box, [Keyboard Type] list shows all keyboard types available to use in Xmanager. Each keyboard has different keyboard layouts and key counts. A keyboard type similar to the one being used must be selected.
  4. Edit keyboard in the selected keyboard layout.

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