Font Management

Font Management

Xmanager provides fonts necessary in most systems and applications. However, users may need to directly add new fonts.
To Download and Install Additional Fonts Pack:

  1. Go to the Xmanager download page: https://www.netsarang.com/en/font-download/
  2. Download additional font packs to install.
  3. Run the font packs in the user's system.
  4. Install fonts pack according to the instructions provided by the install wizard.
  • Note
    When additional font packs are installed, a fonts folder is automatically added to all server profiles, so a new fonts folder does not need to be registered separately in each server profile when using Xconfig. 

To Change BDF Font to PCF Font:

  1. Run bdftopcf.exe program as in the following example:
    C:\tmp> %XMANAGER_INSTALL_DIR%\bdftopcf new.bdf –o new.pcf

To Create or Renew FONTS.DIR File Using the Mkfntdir.exe Program:

  1. Move to fonts folder and run the mkfntdir.exe program:
    %XMANAGER_INSTALL_DIR%\Fonts\NewFonts> ..\..\mkfntdir

To Create and Use Fonts Folder:

  1. Create a new folder under the following folder:
  2. Copy new font files to the created folder.
  3. Run the mkfntdir.exe program in the created folder:
    %XMANAGER_INSTALL_DIR%\Fonts\NewFonts> ..\..\mkfntdir
  4. Run Xconfig.
  5. Double-click a profile to which the new fonts folder is to be added. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  6. Click the [Font] tab.
  7. Click [Add Font Folder]. The Browse For Folder dialog box is displayed.
  8. Select a new font folder.
  9. Click [OK].
  10. Restart Xmanager.

To Use Font Server:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Font] tab.
  4. Click [Add Font Server]. The Add Font Server dialog box is displayed.
  5. Enter the font server name or IP address in [Host].
  6. Enter the font server port number in [Port].
  7. Click [OK].
  • Note
    Check if a font server is executed on the remote server. In general, the font server program name is xfs and the default port number is 7100. 

To Change Default Font:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Font] tab.
  4. Enter the name of the font to use as the default font in [Default Font].
  5. Click [OK].
  • Note
    The default font is used when an X application does not designate a font for text display.

To Replace a Font with another Font when the Font Cannot be Found:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Font] tab.
  4. Select [Automatic Font Substitution].
  5. Click [OK].

To Display the Font Error Dialog Box:

  1. Run Xconfig.
  2. Double-click a profile. The Profile Properties dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the [Font] tab.
  4. Select [Show Missing Font Dialog].
    • Note
      The missing font message is used to find a font when the font used by a remote X application is not available in Xmanager. The missing font information is always recorded in the Xmanager log. Even if a font is unavailable in Xmanager, the missing font message may not be displayed by some X applications. In this case, find the necessary fonts by referring to the log or error messages of the concerned X application.
  5. Click [OK].

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