Xmanager2.0 can't connect to solaris 10 [1]

Xmanager2.0 can't connect to solaris 10 [1]

Xmanager2.0 can't connect to solaris 10

Saturday, August 28, 2004 12:38 PM - kaka


I am trying to use the latest version of Xmanager 2.0 to connect to Solaris 10.
I am able to use Xstart and get a command line login screen, but when the broadcaster throws me the list of hosts I can login to... when i say connect... theres no reply .

The /var/dt/errors file has this information in it.
getipnodebyname failed
getipnodebyname failed
getipnodebyname failed
getipnodebyname failed

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Xmanager2.0 can't connect to solaris 10

Monday, August 30, 2004 4:16 PM - Support

The problem may be caused by an error on the name server. The name-to-IP or IP-to-name table may have an incorrect value.

You may try to add your PC's name to the /etc/hosts file to fix the problem.

Technical Support

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