help about dcopserver, i can't run startkde [1]

help about dcopserver, i can't run startkde [1]

help about dcopserver, i can't run startkde

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:08 PM - zhouhh

start kde
iceauth: command not found!
ICE Connection rejected!

DCopclient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication rejected!

Dcopserver self test failed!


Error: can't contact kdeinit!
Attachment kde.jpg (157.2 KB)  

Re: help about dcopserver, i can't run startkde

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 12:49 AM - Support

This problem is a known KDE bug. Please try following options:

- Try deleting .DCOP* and .kde/ in your $HOME directory
- From SSH setup click on the option tab. Select "Allocate a pseudo terminal before executing the command."

If the problem persists, please send us following information:

- Linux vendor and version
- Detailed connection steps and error messages

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

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