Cursor leaves stange traces in Cadence Virtuoso [3]

Cursor leaves stange traces in Cadence Virtuoso [3]

Cursor leaves stange traces in Cadence Virtuoso

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:31 PM - Tuomas Tuononen

I have been using Cadence Design Framework II electronic design software (version 4.4.6) on my university's Sun workstation. I have also used the software remotely from my Linux installation, but I'm looking for ways to use it from Windows XP. Xmanager 2 seems to work just fine, but the cursor doesn't update correctly in Virtuoso schematic editor but leaves traces that can only be cleared by refreshing the view. I have attached a screen capture, so you might understand what I mean.
The software uses PseudoColor.
I have tested some other X servers for Windows and some of them don't have this specific problem.

Re: Re: Cursor leaves stange traces in Cadence Virtuoso

Monday, December 13, 2004 1:41 AM - Tuomas Tuononen

Thank you for the help!

It seems I didn't check all the options thoroughly, because the setup you gave me worked fine.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and glad you could help me.

Re: Re: Re: Cursor leaves stange traces in Cadence Virtuoso

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:42 AM - Support

Thank you for your feedback.

Technical Support

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