problem when using cadence through xmanager [1]

problem when using cadence through xmanager [1]

problem when using cadence through xmanager

Friday, October 26, 2001 10:56 PM

I want to use cadence on my pc through xmanager,cadence is running on a sun workstation,since it only allows 8 bit colur, so I set xmanager to be pseudo colur,but everytime I put my mouse on top of the schematic, It would dissappear right after I remove the mouse,but when I minimize the application and maxmize it again(refresh the application screen), the picture comes back again, why?

Re: problem when using cadence through xmanager

Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:02 PM - Support

Please try these options for Cadence:

Default Visual: PseudoColor
Backing Store: WhenMapped

We would appreciate your feedback.

- Technical Support

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