XDMCP accross subnets [1]

XDMCP accross subnets [1]

XDMCP accross subnets

Monday, September 3, 2001 11:03 AM - Stjepan Brbot

AFAIK XDMCP protocol is not routable! But can I connect Xmanager v1.3.9 on host on another subnet using Query mode (not Broadcast) of XDMCP and specifying IP-address of remote host?

Stjepan Brbot

Re: XDMCP accross subnets

Monday, September 3, 2001 11:56 AM - Kay

XDMCP protocol is routable except for broadcast query. You can use the direct query method to reach at a host on another subnet.

In order to use broadcast method for another subnet, you can add the hostname into the broadcast list supported by Xmanager. Run Xconfig and select Broadcast, and then click "add hosts..." button.

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