How to input chinese character in Xmanager? [1]

How to input chinese character in Xmanager? [1]

How to input chinese character in Xmanager?

Thursday, November 15, 2001 11:58 AM - frid

When using left Ctrl+ Space key to chang input method from english to chinese, I notice the windows filtering the compose key. and so winndows chang it's input methode but not unix in Xmanager! How can i input chinese character in unix on Xmanager? Thanks.

Re: How to input chinese character in Xmanager?

Thursday, November 15, 2001 3:16 PM - Support

When Windows and Unix use the same key combination for chinese input mode, you can change an unused key to space key using Keyboard Editor.

For example, if you don't use F10 key with Xmanager, you can edit the F10 key as Space key and use "Control + F10" for chinese mode.

To change the keysym value of F10 key, please do the following steps:

1. open Xconfig utility.
2. go to Input tab.
3. choose an appropriate keyboard file.
4. press "Edit" button.

We would appreciate your feedback.

- Technical Support

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