connection to AIX 4.3.3 [3]

connection to AIX 4.3.3

Friday, August 17, 2001 10:24 PM - Rainer

Hello together,
im working with the evaluation version 1.3.9
and is is working perfektly with Solaris 8-x86 by broadcast chooser,
but i can't get a connection by broadcast chooser to an AIX machine.
is AIX not working with XDM Protokol or is there just an other port then 177?


Re: connection to AIX 4.3.3

Saturday, August 18, 2001 1:21 AM - nathaniel

Hello Rainer,

Why don't you make sure that XDM daemon is running on your AIX machine. The name of XDM daemon for AIX is `dtlogin'.
You can load dtlogin daemon by typing 'dtlogin -e' into command line and rebooting the AIX machine.

I hope it can help.


Re: Re: connection to AIX 4.3.3

Tuesday, August 21, 2001 3:57 PM - Rainer

Thanks for your comment,
but is was another problem and we solvet it ;-)...

I think this could help someone else:
we have a class A net, with subnet masking
so we have subnetmasking over switchrouters internely.

But, the broadcast chooser ask for CDE maschines by broadcasting into your net, but it is a real broadcast, with is not routed.
meaning it is a NOT NETBIOS_over_IP.........
after connecting direkt to the AIX maschine it work perfectly..:-)..............

So it means everyone doing subnetmasking will have this problem...


Broadcasting over a subnet

Wednesday, August 22, 2001 6:38 AM - Support

A broadcast works only for a subnet.

If you want to connect to the host that is not on your subnet, you can add the hostname to the broadcast list by clicking "Register Host..." button on [Xconfig->XDMCP->Broadcast].

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