Cant connect to different subnet [1]

Cant connect to different subnet [1]

Cant connect to different subnet

Thursday, November 15, 2001 1:16 AM - Tyler T

I cant connect to my solaris 8 machine from a different subnet. All I get is a grey window and an x for a mouse. There is no logon. I have the same configuration on a win2k machine within the same subnet, and I connect great. What am I doing wrong. Is XDM Routable? I do NOT have a firewall between the subnets. Please advise.


Re: Cant connect to different subnet

Thursday, November 15, 2001 3:23 PM - Support

In order to connect to a server that is located in another subnet, you can do one of the following two methods.

  1. Use XDMCP Direct Query instead of Broadcast. You can change it in the Xconfig utility.
  2. Add the hostname in the broadcast list. You can do it by clicking "XDM->Register Hosts" button in the Xconfig.

If this doesn't work, your network configuration is the source of the problem.

- Technical Support

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