Warning: Cannot convert string [2]

Warning: Cannot convert string

Wednesday, August 22, 2001 7:04 PM - Shai Shapira

When running Virtuoso Composer, I get the following errors:

>Warning: Cannot convert string "Escape,_Key_Cancel" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "Home,_Key_Begin" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "F1,_Key_Help" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "ShiftF10,_Key_Menu" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "F10,Shift_Key_Menu" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "KP_Enter,_Key_Execute" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "AltReturn,Alt_Key_KP_Enter" to type VirtualBinding

Can this be fixed?

Re: Warning: Cannot convert string

Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:36 PM - Support

Key binding error is displayed when you try to connect to the Solaris CDE 1.3 with Xstart program.

You can fix this CDE bug by copying "/usr/dt/lib/bindings/sun_at" file into your $HOME directory and rename it to ".motifbind".

The command is:

# cp /usr/dt/lib/bindings/sun_at $HOME/.motif

Re: Re: Warning: Cannot convert string

Thursday, August 23, 2001 10:12 PM - Shai Shapira

Thanks, solved the problem.

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