X-manager and Windows XP [1]

X-manager and Windows XP [1]

X-manager and Windows XP

Monday, October 1, 2001 2:14 PM - Ray

ok, i have been using X-manager for a while now, and i am really pleased with it. however, i have updated my operating system from windows me to a evaluation version of windows xp, and eversince then i was no longer able to open a connection through my browser to several HP stations. i have tried logging on from different computers using windows 98 and windows 2000, and it worked fine. however i need to use xmanager under windows xp.

if you can help me with this issue, i will really appreciate it.

Re: X-manager and Windows XP

Tuesday, October 2, 2001 11:59 PM - Soon

Windows XP has a firewall feature and it disables incoming connections of TCP 6000 port for Xmanager.

You can open the incoming TCP 6000 port or disable the firewall feature entirely (if you are in a safe environment).

I'm sorry I don't remember the specific steps to do that.

- Soon

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