How can I configure firewall settings in Windows?
Windows may block all incoming TCP/IP connections. So, Xmanager cannot be used without allowing its listening port.
Please do the following steps to enable Xmanager connection:
- Open Control Panel, and then Windows Firewall.
- From the General tab, select On (recommended) option.
- Click the Exception tab.
- Click the Add Program button.
- From the Programs list, select Xmanager.
- Click OK.
If you are using Windows XP SP1 or previous releases, follow the instruction below:
- Open Control Panel, Network and Internet Connection, and then Network Connections.
- Right-click on your Internet connection, and then click Properties.
- Click Settings.
RESULT: Advanced Settings dialog box will open. - Allow TCP 6000 ~ 6010
- If you are using Gnome, allow TCP 16001.