Automatic XDMCP Session

Automatic XDMCP Session

Xmanager sends an XDMCP Broadcast message to the local network or a network designated by a user and shows the hosts that respond to the message. These sessions are automatically created by Xmanager and users do not need to create them manually. Therefore, these sessions are referred to as automatic sessions.
In general, all UNIX/Linux systems support the XDMCP service, and there should be no problem finding hosts in the Xmanager window. In some cases, a remote host is set not to support the XDMCP service and, as a result, it is not displayed in Xmanager. In this case, contact the system administrator of the concerned host and request to have the XDMCP service supported.
Xmanager provides an option to find hosts in other networks. Additionally, it offers an option to turn off the broadcast function in case there are too many hosts in the local network.

To Find Hosts in Another Network:

  1. Run Xmanager.
  2. Select [Options] in the [Tools] menu. The Options dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter the host name or IP address to find in [Search] section of the [XDMCP] tab or enter the network broadcast address to find all hosts available (e.g.
  4. Click [Add].
  5. Click [OK].

To Turn off the Local Broadcast Option:

  1. Run Xmanager.
  2. Select [Options] in the [Tools] menu. The Options dialog box is displayed.
  3. Unselect [Search for local hosts (XDMCP Broadcast)] in the [XDMCP] tab.
  4. Click [OK].
  • Note
    If there are too many hosts in the user's local network and there are a limited number of hosts to use, it may be convenient to turn off the [Search for local hosts (XDMCP Broadcast)] option and add only the necessary hosts to the list of search addresses. 

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