Xmanager Window Settings

Xmanager Window Settings

The Xmanager Window is similar to Explorer and consists of menus, standard buttons, an address bar, workspace, and a status bar.
The Workspace consists of a session category tree and icons list. Session categories include XDMCP session, Xstart session, Xshell session, and Xftp session.
An option to show or hide Xshell and Xftp sessions is provided in the Options dialog box [Sessions] tab. Additionally, the XDMCP session folder and Xstart session folder can be designated. When several users designate a network folder as a session path, all users can use the same sessions.

To Change Session Path:

  1. Run Xmanager.
  2. Select [Options] in [Tools] menu. The Options dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click [Sessions] tab.
  4. Enter a session folder to change in [Session Path].
  • Note
    To restore the original session path, click [Restore Default Session Path].

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