Keyboard for Slovan languages [1]

Keyboard for Slovan languages [1]

Keyboard for Slovan languages

Thursday, November 8, 2001 5:46 AM - Otik Otikovic

I tryed to use czech keyboard in Xmanager. But it cannot transform
sequence "'A" to a single char A' and so on. To create a usefull czech keyboard it is needed after pressing some key wait for next keypress and after second keypress send one char to the application.

Is there any sollution to this problem? Is it supported in actual version?


The latest Xmanager includes Keyboard for Slovak languages

Friday, November 16, 2001 10:11 AM - Support

The lastest version has been uploaded and you can download it at:


We would appreciate your feedback.

- Technical Support

Previous views: 151

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