Xbrowser doesnt show hosts icon even if added [3]

Xbrowser doesnt show hosts icon even if added [3]

Xbrowser doesnt show hosts icon even if added

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:29 PM - niceguyshankar

Dear all..

I am entirely a newbie to Xmanager...I am running Xmananger 1.3.9..and from my desktop i run Xbrowser and one of the Solaris ip address via the add/removes hosts options....when i add around 3 ips of say Machine A, Machine B and Machine C..the icon displays in the Xbrowser displays only Machine A and B and not machine C ??? can some help me why doesnt the machine C icon come up on the icon tray???? Can some one help

Thanks in advance...

Re: Xbrowser doesnt show hosts icon even if added

Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:09 AM - David

Is a "dtlogin" process running on machine C? If not, run it as following:

# dtconfig -e
# dtconfig -reset

Good luck!


Re: Re: Xbrowser doesnt show hosts icon even if added

Friday, May 14, 2004 10:17 PM - telemorgan

I am running into the same problem with a solaris 8 host. I did a dtconfig -e and then a dtconfig -reset. My xbrowser will still not display my host though even with the ip address specifically added.

Has anyone had this before?

Re: Re: Re: Xbrowser doesnt show hosts icon even if added

Monday, May 17, 2004 6:08 PM - David

Try to find a "dtlogin" process on your Solaris as following:

# ps -aef | grep dtlogin

Also, check /usr/dt/config/Xconfig and comment out the following line:

# Dtlogin.requestPort: 0

If the dtlogin works well, there may be a firewall between your PC and Solaris. Xmanager does not work in a complex network.

One more thing, try to enter an IP address instead a hostname. The hostname may not be mapped to a correct IP address for the Solaris machine.


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